patrick bosteels
3 min readApr 16, 2019

Dream, decide and do. Our ingredients to kick of Stagecoworking in Urla and introduce HİGİ ngo.

We are very happy to invite you to 2 events we organised in a couple of hours. Yes. When you bootstrap you just do and push and hope. The contrast with Istanbul nowadays cannot be bigger. Of course, there are things happening here but it is all more of the same with the same organiser and the same people on stage and the same audience. Nothing wrong with it, but it shows that the big city is in a standstill modus. Everything works but I miss the excitement and the positive drive. Some investors are happy with their 4 or 5 investments this year, nothing with wow. It is like we are happy with a status quo for the moment. This is the moment for other cities to get into action and pull some of the attention to their side. I saw action on startup level in Konya, that is a good sign. We try in Urla and we welcome you to our first bigger events to share with you our dreams and plans. Don’t expect a full fletched space, we are bootstrapping and we appreciate any help or tap on the shoulder. :-D

Kolay gelsin,

Patrick Bosteels

We have been in the works to start an NGO for a long time but were not convinced we could pull it off with the right people. To our own surprise, by starting our Coworking space in Urla we started to meet some amazing people residing in Urla or around and the result was the birth of HİGİ, Herkes için Girişimcilik ve İnovasyn Derneği, or in plain English, Entrepreneurship and Innovation for All. The Founder Members are
Neşen Yücel, Patrick Bosteels, Pelin Yildiz, Yasin Çelik, Didem Çelikel, Heather Nicolaus, Erdogan Uner and Funda Ergünal. Complementary likeminds.

HİGİ will organise or be part of projects that encourage entrepreneurship based on innovation and real needs. A holistic approach will be envisioned by encompassing arts, crafts and technology. İnitiatives will be based on local challenges with an extra focus on Women, Youth and Employment through workshops, local and international projects, hand in hand with government institutions, businesses, high schools and universities. We strongly believe and put emphasis on the Impact Economy carried by the Sustainable Development Goals.

HİGİ will cover as primary markets Agriculture, Smart Cities, Mobility and Energy. Thanks to a team of specialists and a vast network, HİGİ aims to have a positive and sustainable impact on youth and employment with an extra focus on women equality.

We look forward to meeting and exchange ideas. The start of change starts with HİGİ!

Let’s Celebrate together!

This is a meetup to create a community in Urla who enjoy life, live responsibly and continue to be productive. If you are living/planning to live in Urla or İzmir, are into entrepreneurship/creativity, want to meet likeminds… come and say hi! b.y.o.b. and your smile! You can read more about us here: and
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İzmir’e Taşınmak… Urla’da Yaşamak? Urla Coworking’de bilenler bilmeyenlere anlatıyor…
Şehir merkezlerindeki yoğun yaşamlarından yorulup Urla’da bir yaşam kuran kişiler, İzmir’e taşınma hayaliyle yanıp tutuşan beyaz yakalar, Urla’ya yerleşmek için emekliliğine gün sayanlar ile, ne zeytinyağı ne de şarap üretmek istemiyorum, ama gene de Urla’da yaşamak için bir sebep arıyorum diyenler… Bir araya gelip konuşmaya, tanışmaya ne dersiniz?
Urla’da yaşam hayal ettiğimiz kadar güzel mi? Bunca insan taşınınca, Urla gene o hayalimizdeki kaçış yerimiz olacak mı? Urla’yı İstanbul’a benzetmeden nasıl bir arada yaşayabiliriz? Birlikte neler üretebilir, birbirimize neler katabiliriz?
Gelin konuşalım!

patrick bosteels
patrick bosteels

Written by patrick bosteels

Stage-Co, Urla Coworking, Now Sprint! Accelerator and Creative Academie co-founder, Facilitator, Accelerator Program Manager and Mentor

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